Sharps and Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

By combining two major waste streams in one reusable container, Stericycle’s SharpsRx Pro™ Solution increases nursing efficiency, quality of patient care, and your sustainability achievements.

One Simple Solution To Elevate Your Quality Of Care

Time is a precious commodity in hospitals. That’s why we help you streamline the processes that get in the way of focusing on patient care. With SharpsRx Pro™, we consolidate two major waste streams in one cost-effective, convenient, and compliant solution—helping you to increase safety and achieve greater efficiencies that lead to improved outcomes. 

  • Efficiently dispose of sharps and ~95% of pharmaceutical waste at the point of administration
  • Improve quality of patient care and satisfaction by allowing nurses more time at bedside
  • Decrease safety and compliance risks related to pharmaceutical waste disposal
  • Reduce your hospital’s carbon footprint with reusable containers and ensure pharmaceutical waste does not contaminate the environment

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An Innovative, Convenient, and Efficient One-Container Solution

Improved Nursing and Quality of Care

  • Increase focus on driving positive patient outcomes with nurses having more time at the patient’s bedside
  • Remove nursing burden related to leaving patient room to dispose of non-hazardous pharmaceutical waste
  • Streamline waste disposal with an easy process by combining sharps and the majority of pharmaceutical waste in one easily identified blue container

Seamless Implementation, Minimal Disruption

  • Waste Identification

  • Staff Training and Education

  • Containers and Labeling Provided

  • Transport and Destruction

A Fully Comprehensive Sharps and Pharmaceutical Waste Program 

Integrate Stericycle’s SharpsRx Pro™ with our hazardous pharmaceutical waste service for safe and compliant disposal of your hazardous (RCRA) pharmaceutical waste. Further, incorporate Stericycle’s CsRx® Controlled Substance Waste Service to complete your pharmaceutical waste management needs and keep your healthcare organization safe and compliant while protecting  the environment. 

Contact us for a free quote today

SharpsRx Pro by Stericycle can save time and improve quality of patient care

21 minutes saved

on average per 10-hour shift with SharpsRx Pro, a one container solution for both sharps and nonhazardous waste


of nurses surveyed indicated they would use time saved with a one container solution for patient care

Source: Comingling Sharps Waste and Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste Could Help Alleviate Nursing Burdens, 2022

DPR report cover

The Comingling Sharps Waste and Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste Could Help Alleviate Nursing Burdens whitepaper is based on an independently administered nationwide blind survey of registered nurses (RNs) in hospital acute care settings.

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