National and Corporate Healthcare Organizations

Stericycle is the trusted partner for comprehensive compliance and regulated waste services to protect brands, customers, and communities.

Stericycle supports your national and corporate healthcare organization’s mission and the communities you serve.

National and corporate healthcare organizations, such as large retailers, corporate America, and national healthcare networks, drive complex enterprises of coordinated employee, patient, and customer care across multiple facilities throughout the country and worldwide. With tens of thousands of team members, these organizations are committed to promoting and delivering health and well-being within their businesses to protect their brands, employees, customers, communities, and the environment.

Stericycle’s regulated waste and compliance solutions are utilized in a wide variety of large organizations nationwide:

With shared objectives focused on safety, innovation, sustainability, and cost-mitigation, Stericycle works alongside these organizations to help them succeed in their mission, growth, and the protection of their brand.

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Stericycle Is a Global Organization

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Founded in 1989
Headquarters in
Bannockburn, IL

15,000+ Team Members Worldwide

Presence across North America and Europe

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Over 1 Million Customers Worldwide

Approximately 400 Locations Worldwide

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Fleet of more than 5,200 Trucks Worldwide

$2.7 Billion in 2022 Revenue

Public in 1996

Stericycle is the healthcare market's most robust and capable service provider.

When you choose Stericycle, you are selecting a partner with the resources to work with and stand by you when things are easy and when they are hard.   

Since Stericycle’s beginning, we’ve introduced first-to-market products to best serve our customers. Our recent global business transformation includes significant investments in new products and service advancements that strengthen Stericycle’s market leadership and are evidence of our dedication to always improve our client-partners’ customer experience.  

Stericycle Business Transformation Goals

Our vision for the future and what that means for you!

  • Empower front-line team members with state-of-the-art tools and processes = Exceptional customer service to your organization across all services
  • Investment in innovative new service offerings = Drive growth, brand security, and savings for your organization
  • Engage our team members in meaningful and rewarding careers = Increased employee awareness and involvement in your goals
  • Embody a safety and regulatory compliance culture that protects our team members and brand = Protect your brand, communities, and team members
  • Democratize metrics for enhanced decision-making by our team members = Trackable chain of custody and accurate disposal data for your organization

Employees sitting around a table

Carbon Footprint Estimator

In 2023, Stericycle and its client-partners diverted 101 million pounds of plastic from entering landfills through the use of reusable sharps containers. Stericycle was a pioneer in sustainable medical waste disposal and continues to this day to innovate safe, compliant, and eco-conscious solutions that protect the team members, patients, and communities of healthcare organizations around the world.

Use our Carbon Footprint Estimator to see how your healthcare organization can avoid generation of carbon emissions by switching from single-use, disposable containers to Stericycle reusable sharps containers. If you are currently using Stericycle reusable sharps containers, use the tool to calculate and celebrate your sustainability achievements.

SafeShield™ Antimicrobial Medical Waste Containers

Stericycle continually makes significant investments to bring our customers innovative, sustainable services and first-to-market products. Our SafeShield Medical Waste Containers are equipped with Cupron®, a copper-based antimicrobial protectant.

An Innovation to Improve Your Biohazardous Waste Management:

  • Antimicrobial properties embedded in container and lid
  • Smooth interior finish and drainage channels greatly reduces or eliminates odor
  • Nestable design and ergonomic handles make stacking and moving safe and efficient
  • Integrated lid closes securely and avoids lid misplacement
  • HDPE material and PGII rated 

Stericycle Solutions Utilized by the Largest National and Corporate Healthcare organizations across the U.S.

Equally robust and flexible, you can trust Stericycle’s waste solutions to help keep your entire network efficient, safe, and sustainable. Our innovative suite of full-service solutions for regulated medical waste management, compliance training, and secure information destruction are designed to be tailored to each of your facilities’ needs:

Contact us for a free quote today

Medical Waste Management Is Essential to a Safe and Efficient Healthcare Environment


of healthcare workers believe improper medical waste management puts their physical safety at risk

Stericycle, Healthcare Workplace Safety Trend Report, 2023.


of healthcare workers feel that improper medical & biohazardous waste management can harm the environment and impact health and well-being

Stericycle, Healthcare Workplace Safety Trend Report, 2023.

The Healthcare Workplace Safety Trend Report provides in-depth survey data and analysis of U.S. healthcare providers’, administrators’, and consumers' perspectives on health and safety, revealing crucial insights and impact on providers, patients, and communities.

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